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Some historical facts that inspired "Mayombe, Paula?"

- "Mayombe" is a culture developped in Cuba by the slaves coming from Central Africa, specially from the Yombe ethnic group (one of the many "congo" or "bantu" groups), who worshiped Mother Nature by the name of "Ma Yombe", whose image could be considered a predecessor of Virgin Mary. This culture is maybe the most ancient culture in the world, and has some teachings dating from the matriarchal paleolithic era.

- Mayombe is sometimes taken as witchcraft, also it is classified as polyteistic. But actually the Mayomberos (the followers of that culture in Cuba) believe in just one universal God called Nsambi who rules the world for good. Mayomberos accepted that Nsambi is the same as the christian God, just translated to Congo language.

- This tradition survived thanks to the Cabildos (Councils), which were cultural and mutual aid organizations created by poor people of Cuba in the colonial times. The Cabildos Congos had a social influence based on acceptance and harmony between the different cultures meeting in the island, a philosophy of altruist help called in their congo language "ubuntu". 

- Like the Cabildos Congos, many other african cultures built their own Councils and preserved their art, their language, their philosophy, their music... Fernando Ortiz and Lydia Cabrera are the most respected researchers on this still unknown part of history.

- Many traditions united under the Spanish Kindom had their own different culture too, and made the same. It is the case of the Casales Catalanes (Catalan Councils) which preserved catalan language and folklore better than in Europe. Catalan nacionalism was actually born in Cuba, and still today their separatist flag is a rememberance of Cuban flag. 

- In the nineteenth century, slaves were prompted to war. They fought so fiercely they were called "demons" or in the congo word, "mambi". 

- To get rid of them, Weyler, the General of Sapanish Army decided to put most of the cuban population in concentration camps. Millions of cubans died under inhumane conditions. 

This are some of the actual facts that we will show in the movie "Mayombe, Paula?". We are making up choreographies with authentic music and dance from this cultures. We also want to have realistic costumes and makup. That is why we need your support. Please check to know how to help us. Thank you very much!!


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